Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Notes from Pastor Preston's Sunday morning service 2/28/10

Grace is God's unmerited favor. God's grace sanctifies. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Grace, a gift of God lest any should boast. Saving grace of God. Amazing grace. God uses the simple to confound the wise. Sustaining grace. He sustain me. God says there will be tribulations but his grace will be sufficient, and specific to our needs. His grace will be suitable. His grace is greater than all out sin. His grace is satisfactory, striking, suprising and special. God uses diferent motivations. God will use different people. People we don't expect. Enough is enough, by faith, day in and day out. Make moral decision ahead of time. So you don't get suprised and fall. Be obedient and God will direct you to the place of his will.

God's grace is for those that know him.